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Mary & Martha in Real Time

So this morning started out pretty much the same as every morning for me. I get up, take my vitamins & pills, make my coffee, and get my son’s pills and vitamins and breakfast ready. I finally make it to my chair and take my first sip of coffee…AHHH! (you know the feeling). I open my bible to where I’ve been reading and start. I get two verses in and write in my journal the 2nd verse I read b/c it follows the first and yesterday the first spoke VOLUMES. The 2nd verse only solidified the message from yesterday’s verse. Its so awesome when context strengthens context! And then it happens…DISTRACTIONS.

I stopped my quiet time to take care of some of the “important” things on my to do list. (I am not one who like to have a list of things in my head). So my morning took a detour, to the kitchen to drop off my coffee cup. To my son’s room to make sure he was up. Back to my chair to upload some needed documents for work (as if that couldn’t wait a few hours) that I’ve been waiting a few days for and they came last night. To the basement office to put together some receipts for recent bank deposits. Back upstairs to get dressed and get ready to go into work. And finally back into the kitchen to make my breakfast smoothie. In the midst of the whirling blender I heard in my head, “well that was a Mary/Martha moment if I ever saw one.” I stopped in my tracks and laughed at myself and at the Lord for being funny with me as I chose busy-ness once again over fellowship with him. He is so gracious. 

As the morning wore on, there were lunches to pack, bookbags to grab, shoes to put on, and a kid to get on the bus, after all…I continued to balance between the grace of God in the moment and guilty condemnation of my head. I prayed a quick prayer over my son and kissed his head as he quickly ran out the door to make the bus. 

I kept running through the Mary and Martha story from Luke 10. My thoughts were somewhere around I know Mary chose the good part, but surely Jesus didn’t condemn Martha. I know it is far better to sit at the feet of Jesus than distract yourself with the busy-ness of life. I know Martha was a worker, by nature. I know her heart was simply to serve their guest. Martha’s heart was in the right place, surely! Right? And I just knew Jesus words to her had to be something like, “Its OK Martha, you’re not all bad.” Or “Martha, I receive your work as time spent with me.” or even “Martha, you keep doing you and come sit with Mary whenever you get the chance. I love you just the way you are.” I wanted to see Jesus justify Martha’s choice in this situation…because after all, she is just being who she is, right!

While those statements are not entirely true, the heart behind them was there…but not the justification of her actions. You see, Martha was doing something inherently wrong, she just didn’t chose the best. Sometimes we do things and we expect Jesus to justify our choice to do something that is less than the best thing in that moment.

Jesus words to Martha (from the message translation Luke 10:41:42) “Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it’s the main course, and won’t be taken from her.” (underlined is mine for emphasis)

Jesus sentiment to her, “dear Martha” shows that he loves and cares for Martha just the same as Mary. Mary didn’t become the favorite in this moment. Martha isn’t less than for making this choice. The women’s worth is not built around whether they sat at his feet or rushed around the house getting things ready. Their worth is indwelt inside them as daughters of The King and that is enough! This moment does not define their worth! Your worth is not defined by your actions or choices. Your worth is determined by the ONE inside you. And he is awesome, so you are too!

“you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing.” Now without the previous thought concreted into your brain, this sounds as if he is belittling her. BUT, when we considered that he is not talking down to her, but simply, in love, teaching her in the moment. He is exhorting her that her worries are temporary. Her “fussing” is too big for the little things. Think of it this way. Her energy and stress was far out proportioned to the task at hand. She was putting much energy into something that held very little weight. Jesus wants us to not “grow weary in well doing: (Gal 6:9). That scripture reads, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” The big “IF” we do not lose heart. How do we not lose heart? By spending time in the arms of our Father. By not majoring on the minors. By giving proper attention levels (mental, physical, and emotion) to things at hand. The dishes…they’ll get done. The documents to upload…they’ll get done. Jesus was teaching dear Martha that undo stress and pressure on things that barely rate are wasted resources. Attention to intimacy with God, will ALWAYS benefit!

“The one thing, the main course, the essential thing.” – Time with Jesus. Your relationship with Jesus. Sitting at the feet of the Father. The ability to “not loose heart” as we wait for the due season comes from this intimacy right here. Being able to fight our battles with faith. Being able to decree and declare the truth of the Lord in the midst of the enemy approaching. Being able to walk around the walls of our enemy’s camp 6 times in silence and on the 7th, trumpets blaring, shouts of war cries, and celebrations! (Joshua 6). This type of tuned into the Spirit hearing, doesn’t come from busy-ness. It comes from being still and trusting that God will fight our battles. It comes from sitting at the feet of Jesus…EVERY darn chance we get!

So Lady warriors, pick up your swords and notebook, grab your coffee cup, and pull up to your favorite chair and settle into the arms of the Father because He is about to take you on a journey that only He can orchestrate! Set a meeting with him there in that place EVERY darn day!

Be Blessed!

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